Blue shades are hues of blue that have been mixed with black and other colors to produce medium or dark blues Blue hues corresponds to short wavelengths of light in the range 440–490 nm Blue shades are blues with low to medium light intensity In nature this occurs in low light or when a material partially absorbs light energy such that aShades of blue include cyan, navy, turquoise, aqua, midnight blue, sky blue, royal blue, and aquamarine The base blue color's hex value in HTML is #0000FFCobalt blue Derived from the chemical with the name, this one is a brighter shade and needs to be used with caution It's a perfect alternative for sky blue Ink blue A bright shade of blue this one is almost considered as attractive as red due to the brightness A true blend of navy blue and teal blue and so adorable it is Copper sulphate Moody Interior Breathtaking Bedrooms In Shades Of Blue Shades of blue